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Why Your Traffic Might Drop


No matter how good your website and its content, you can still lose rank and search engine traffic. After all, many factors come into play, from the quality of the content to the performance of the competitors and the modifications of the algorithms, which can have an impact.
When this happens, it is important to identify why you can take the necessary steps and solve the problems.
Here are five great reasons why your traffic might decrease and what to do about it.

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Backlinks not only help websites get better rankings on search engine results pages, but they are also often responsible for managing referral traffic.
If you lose a lot of important backlinks, your website may lose a lot of valuable traffic because:
The referral traffic from these backlinks will stop and a drop in the number of backlinks may also result in the loss of the search engine rankings on your website. For example, if your website has moved from the first page to the second SERP page, you may lose a substantial amount of organic traffic.
Use a SEO tool such as Ahrefs or Moz to identify if there has been a decline in backlinks. When it comes to regenerating those backlinks and more, be sure to only target the relevant and high quality backlinks for your website.


Google changes regularly and improves its search algorithm. Depending on this update, you can gain or lose traffic.
Honestly, you can not do much to avoid blocking traffic due to a change in search algorithms. Just keep following Google’s best practices and guidelines, and it’s unlikely your site will be negatively impacted by algorithm updates.
If your website is affected by an update of the algorithm, learn more about this algorithm. An algorithm update usually points to a specific aspect, such as the relevance of backlinks, the user experience, the quality of the content, and so on.
You can take the appropriate steps to solve these problems once you know what causes a drop in traffic.

Manual penalties

A sudden drop in search engine rankings and traffic may be the result of a manual penalty. Manual actions are not the result of an algorithm update.
Another sign of manual punishment is that your website will lose traffic from one search engine and continue to work well in others.
Your goal should be to eliminate the penalty as quickly as possible.
Sign in to your Google Search Console account and check for notifications. The Manual Actions section contains all the necessary information in case one of your web pages does not comply with Google’s guidelines. Follow the suggestions mentioned to solve the problem.


A limited number of websites may appear on the first page of Google. This means that if other competitors improve their content and their websites, they can move it forward and push it to the next pages.
This will result in a loss of traffic.
When this occurs, be aware that the loss of traffic may not be the result of a manual action or search algorithm. It only means that your competitors have exceeded you.
Do a detailed analysis of what your competitors are doing, what kind of content they create, how fast your website loads, the quality of the user experience on their websites, and more.
Then compare these indicators with your website and try to improve the missing fronts.


The loading speed of a website is a relatively new but very important search engine positioning factor.
With time, websites tend to slow down due to the increased number of resources, images and add-ons. If your website gets too slow, you risk losing higher positions in the search engines and therefore a large amount of traffic.
Make sure to track the speed of loading your website for a while from your website to see if it is slowing down. You can use free tools such as Pingdom, GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed ​​Insights for this.


When you lose rankings and traffic, it’s easy to feel panic, but that does not solve anything. Instead, do it step by step and identify the main reason.Once you know the reason, you can easily take the appropriate steps to resolve those problems and recover your traffic.

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