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Hair Transplant – Follicular Extraction Method

The specialist in Hair Transplant planting, who has one year experience and hair restoration with FUE hair transplant Lahore method, tells more about this technique. Focused on improving skills in this particular method. It runs consultations and introduces treatments at the famous Clinic.

Hair Transplant – Follicular Extraction Method Unit

Hair restoration is one of the most common procedures among male patients with androgenic alopecia (also known as male-pattern hair loss). The FUE treatments can be done not only within the regular regular skin area of ​​the head but the procedure can restore the hair within the chin, the eyebrows, or even cover old scraps by adding individual hair units. into the tissue of scar.

FUE hair transplant Lahore

Hair loss by over sixty percent of the male population at some stage of life. The factor responsible for this fact is the genes. We offer a holistic approach during the initial consultation: all these questions have a reason for the ancestors (you need details of your father’s or grandfather’s hair). We are among the rare specialists, who focus on causal therapy for our patients, because we need the results and patient satisfaction.

The FUE hair Transplant Treatments

The androgenic alopecia also affects women. The diagnosis occurs more often and often within the female population these days.

Not only does give the diagnostics and interdisciplinary care, among the services also: blood tests for the cause of hair loss, dermatoscopy tests – trichoscopy, terminological consultations, support treatments, such as plasma treatment that is rich in platelets, vitamin cocktails in a form of physiotherapy, and – firstly – restoring hair within the blunt areas in which the hair was lost. Specializes in FUE method (Follicular Unit extraction). There are currently two types of surgical procedures: the STRIP and FUE.

FUE Mode

The STRIP mode is not very popular today as it is outdated. This is because it has the least efficiency after treatment, as well as the fact that it leaves a disappointing scar at the back of the head or longer back after the procedure. FUE is the newest method, here is some detail, at a glance: The Folicidal Extraction is a way of removing any hair from the donated area and transplanting them on the balding spots. A doctor who uses specially designed modern equipment makes the whole procedure.

The FUE method has proved very popular in the last decade and has changed the approach to hair transplantation. These procedures are now much larger and hair recycling is not as painful, and does not leave the scar behind the head. What ‘s more about it, the FUE method allows the most robust hair units to be picked (we can control the transplant units) to achieve the most effective results after the treatment and the new hair do.

We recommend to see the doctor and participate in the consultation. The doctor can share his / her knowledge and provide you with the results, which may be very useful and helpful for patients to take a further step and decide on this irreversible condition, which will help them to develop their knowledge. known as androgenic alopecia. This applies to both gentlemen and women.

For more information visit Hair Aspire for treatment.

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